Notion Formula to automate checklists:

Notion Jun 29, 2021
Automation makes life and work easier
Automation makes life and work easier

You guessed it.

There are times when we group all our tasks for the day into one neat pile and call it a day (pun intended)!

It will be great if inside each day - You can take notes for things you want to do, things you have to do and so on. For the tasks pending you can use checkboxes which will be marked as completed and then move along with things during the day.

But sometimes you don't manage to finish everything in time, so you have to do it the day (or days) after - whenever you get the time (or motivation).

Suppose, you have a checkbox column to mark the day as completed (no pending tasks for that day).

Your basic To-Do list for the day, with nested To-do list for each day 
Your basic To-Do list for the day, with nested To-do list for each day 

And then within each day, you have a number of tasks that you want to complete, in order to mark the day as done.

The tasks for that day - Complete all of them for 100% Progress
The tasks for that day - Complete all of them for 100% Progress

But it would be pretty useful if this process becomes automatic, using some sort of formula to count the check boxes on the entry or something of that sort.

This is very much possible within Notion, here’s how:

1. You will need to create 2 tables. One is the table that lists the tasks in one column, the other measures the date, task status and a relation.

This relation column relates our tasks mentioned in this table, to the second table.
This relation column relates our tasks mentioned in this table, to the second table.

2. The relation looks something like this  

This relation relates to the ‘Count Tasks’ column in our second table:
This relation relates to the ‘Count Tasks’ column in our second table:

The relation will relate tasks from this column to the tasks in the first table:
The relation will relate tasks from this column to the tasks in the first table:

3. Finally, make columns in your second table with the second column being ‘Progress’ and the field being rollup. This will measure how many tasks you have completed for the day, and what percentage of day is completed - wrt. The tasks for that day.

The relation column in the second table that relates tasks completed to the first table
The relation column in the second table that relates tasks completed to the first table

4. Your final Automated Task Table will look something like this

Final table with all the Automated Check boxes
Final table with all the Automated Check boxes


It can be tedious at times to automate tasks, even though automation takes away the mechanical job of ticking off check-boxes. Making the automation can seem daunting.

Get free templates from Prototion! 
Get free templates from Prototion! 

However, if you would like to be free from creating relations and tasks all over from scratch, you can use our pre-made templates Count Checks Automatic. If you are somebody who is interested in formula based Notion content and aesthetic but powerful templates, you can visit our Prototion Website.

Also, if you are creative with your templates and want to promote them to a larger audience - you can sign up to be a maker at Prototion and be rewarded in the process! We would love to hear from you, Cheers!


Priya Srivastava

Photoshop Artist 🧙‍♂️ | Coding = The butter to my bread 🍞 | Fitness junkie 🧗‍♂️⛹️‍♀️ | Gamer 🚀 | writer ✏| A proud memer 💟| Notion-er 💌

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