How to Embed Google Calendar to Notion?

Calender Mar 19, 2022

Google Calendar is a ubiquitous tool and we use it for everything nowadays - from setting meeting reminders to adding tasks. Just like Notion, it has become an essential and indispensable tool. This article is a "how-to" guide to help you embed your Google Calendar to the Notion template.

Step 1:Open Google Calendar and choose the Settings & Sharing option provided on the left sidebar of the calendar under the My calendars option.

Step 2: Under the Access permissions option, click on Make available to the public. Remember to choose See all event details while turning on the sharing options, otherwise, the embedding won't work.

A warning box will pop up. Click on OK to allow sharing. This warning alerts you to the downsides of making your calendar accessible to the public.

Click on OK to give access to Notion

Step 3:Under the Integrate calendar, there is an option that provides the Public URL to share the calendar. Copy this URL and go to Notion.

Step 4: Type '/' to open to commands box and choose the embed option.

Paste the link on the box that opens and press the Embed link option.

Voila! You have successfully embedded your Google Calendar to your Notion Page.


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