How to model Priority tasks in Notion

Formula Oct 12, 2021

So that when there's something due in three days or less and it flags as high priority

High Priority

Now, that you have arrived at the prototion blog, you are going to be rewarded with a sneaky method that helps you create Notion priority tasks manager that marks high priority when only 3 days or less remain.

Step 1: Create the formula

Formula for Normal days

When you want to start with creating a priority task checklist: You need to monitor the formula as well. Just make sure that the if-else formula in Notion works well with all the criteria that you fixed for the due date - be it 3 days or 5.

Formula for 'High Priority' Days

The only difference is that with high priority days, you can attach an emoji that you like, and likewise all of your tasks will be having different colored emojis that will warn you when the deadline is getting closer.

Step 2:

Days in between

When you have seen the emoji color change, next is to look for how many days are remaining or went up the deadline. It always helps when you want to keep score of how the routine is shaping out.

Step 3:

Start filling out your priority matrix

The final step is to start filling out your priority matrix and sticking to your regimen. And you will be able to crush all of your work and life obligations - sooner than you imagine.

Thank you for checking out Notion Priority Matrix on the Prototion Blog. If you're interested in making a matrix of your own, you will be amazed to find out our range of free and premium templates here.


Priya Srivastava

Photoshop Artist 🧙‍♂ī¸ | Coding = The butter to my bread 🍞 | Fitness junkie 🧗‍♂ī¸â›šī¸â€â™€ī¸ | Gamer 🚀 | writer ✏| A proud memer 💟| Notion-er 💌

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